Sunday, October 16, 2011

Blog #3 - The End of Over Eating

    Over the years our body cravings have changed in many ways, ways in which our bodies naturally crave salt, sugar, and fat. Today, most of our foods consist of nothing but sugar, fat, and salt causing many individuals as young as 4 to be severely sick. The population of New York state has roughly reached its peek of individuals being over weight, yet alone the U.S. Many American citizens aren't aware too much sugar can kill you and it can cause diabetes at any age. Salty and fatty foods are just as bad as sugary foods, but all three combined can lead to a dead end.
    In chapter 6 of The End of Over Eating, by David A. Kessler, MD, he explains how salt, sugar, and fat are reinforcing to our desires. This means foods that consist of those ingredients keep us coming back for more. Like drugs, food can be just as addictive due to the combination of sugar and fat. "Animals are willing to work even harder for foods that are high in sugar and fat" (pg. 31, Kessler) This shows foods that are high in both sugar an fat can effect both humans and animals because our bodies are automatically stimulated when eating foods that consist of those ingredients.Certain foods motivate our mood or behavior and create desires which lead up to habits of eating food that contain sugar, fat, and salt. Since our bodies are already immune to these type of foods, we constantly eat with out thinking of the consequences.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. One can understand the argument made by the author by reading the last portion of the blog. Although there is some vague language in the first paragraph, there has been some critical thinking throughout the blog. The keywords support the points made in the second paragraph. Although the structure of the blog looks nice, The blog itself still needs some revision. What I would suggest is to introduce the the text by directing the reader to the context and therefore the use of quotation and citation would be very effective. This blog is interesting because it stops the reader for a min to think about how the use of food over the time has been from a need to get rid of our hunger to an addiction found in drugs. Furthermore, it emphasizes on the abuse of over-eating eating, in this case sugery and fatty foods, can be poisonous.

  3. I like the quote you decided to use about the animals working harder for certain foods it helped prove your point. Your topic sentences are good in showing the reader what he or she is to expect. A few revisions are needed in terms of spelling and grammar but overall the paragraphs and sentences are well put together and your point is clear. The structure of your blog Is short and straight to the point leaving the reader with new knowledge about food.
